JW is ONE!!!

Gigantic Midland downpour doesn’t stop us from a few things… 1. Crazy windblown hair. 2. Drenched clothes & raindrop spots. 3. Family pictures anyway because your hair and makeup are both looking AMAZING! 4. Running through Fiddlesticks picking pumpkins. 5. SMASHING A VERY GREEN MONSTER CAKE – under cover of course. 5. Falling face first in the dirt {multiple times} because your tiny little jeans and those shoes just make it so dang hard to walk.  6. Laughing until you cry! 7. All eating the green icing to make JW feel better since it completely dyes everythingggg & taking a picture to prove it! {DUH} 😉


All of these awesome things add up to a perfect first birthday session with some of my dearest best friends in the world!!!


Enjoy all of the craziness!!! And make sure to go visit Jessica & Matt out at Fiddlesticks Farms ASAP!!!! They are amazing and the pumpkin patch is THE BEST AROUND!!!! DO IT!!! NOW!!!! 🙂


XO & Happy Wednesday!


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